
佚名 87 2024-08-09

With a for print heels, latex thigh-high boots and £1,000-plus , May is no to power . But the Prime 's , it turns out, is also the must-have 'power cut' for in .

喜欢踏着豹纹高跟鞋、乳胶长筒靴,身着一身1000多英镑的名牌服装,特蕾莎 梅对政坛着装的搭配已是得心应手。不仅如此,这位新任首相的发型也是权势女性最青睐的必备发型。


PM May

Known as the bob – or pob – the , , swept back look is now the style of women the globe.



White House has a , of the pob, while SNP and a , style.

美国总统候选人希拉里 克林顿的完美发型堪称波波头经典,而苏格兰国民党领袖尼古拉 斯特金和德国总理默克尔则更偏爱更短的学生头造型。


say the 'pob' is being used by to they are in and mean .


Julia Carta, hair and make-up , said: ' are by their looks and the first thing is hair.

国际名人造型化妆师茱莉亚 卡尔塔认为:“人们常倾向于‘以貌取人’,而发型往往是最先被留意到的部位。”



', more give the that women can hack it in the man's world of . It gives the sign that they have a head on their , they are more , and be taken .


', locks, by , give the that women are fresh out of , less and, in turn, less in . They draw the eye down to a woman's , so a bob above the bone keeps at eye level, up the brain.


'These women are the world, they don't want to be by their hair, so , power cuts all help them to be taken .




' high , such as Mo and , also the bob, and also had hair, even hers was set in . It has been time and again that a look gives women much more than those who have hair.'

“以往的政坛女强人也都偏爱波波头,比如莫 摩兰姆和格伦达 杰克逊,玛格丽特 撒切尔也留有类似长度的卷发。事实胜于雄辩,短发比长发让女性显得更为庄重。”

Hair Teddy also that the 'pob' was to it could be swept off their face and ' the ' to see them.

发型师特迪 米切尔还认为,波波头对女性政客还有一层切实意义:这种短发不会遮住她们的面部,因而摄像头能更清晰地捕捉拍摄到她们。

'A pob can also be the ear, all the to say: , I'm ,' he added.


For , who are not as , but of it to the top, a more , bob is . Newly , Amber Rudd, Truss and Karen all sport such .

对于一些志存高远但或许并不那么强势的女政客波波头短发卷发型图片,长度稍长、更女性化的波波头会是不错的选择。新上任的英国内阁大臣安博尔 鲁德,伊丽莎白 特鲁斯和卡伦 布拉德利都留着这种发型。

上一篇: 等你老了,头发建议剪短点,今年流行这3种“酒窝发”,洋气减龄
下一篇: 四五十岁的女人如何选择发型!一看卷度二看长度,温柔知性又减龄