英国女性人均拥有14个包 买包钱足以买车

佚名 106 2022-12-11


英国女性人均拥有14个包 买包钱足以买车

in a 's love of costs women the price of a car, to a new .


A Be of 2,000 women found that the UK woman out on three new a year at a cost of £32 each, over £6,000 - the of the price of a small car - over a life time.

综合性时尚品牌 Be针对2000名女性做的一项调查表明,英国女性平均每年购买3个新的手提包,平均每个包的花销为32英磅。如此计算,女人一辈子在买包上就要花费6000多英镑,和一辆小汽车的价格相当。

were also as the of one in two women, with 53 they are the item they most enjoy for ahead of , and even shoes.


and women may think of out for just one bag, 63 of women will wait for a sale to buy the they want, the study .


英国女性人均拥有14个包 买包钱足以买车

On UK women own 14 each, which three bags which are used , two used , five "best" bags out to go with and four bags.


The most is black, by brown.


Jenni of Be said: "It is how women's love of can add up to so many over the years.

时尚品牌 Be的詹妮•班福德说:“英国女性对手提包年深日久的钟爱居然会花费这么多,真的太不可思议了。”

" some of us will buy less than three new ones a year, many of us will buy more.


英国女性人均拥有14个包 买包钱足以买车

"There is about using a new bag for the first time.


"It's easy to feel you need to own a good so you have one to go with you are ."


The UK is worth £1.34 and grew by 5 last year, to from .


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