佛珠手链Buddha bead bracelet

佚名 147 2022-11-28




此佛珠手链29颗;作为念珠来使用的话,一般的佛珠手链有14颗、18颗、21颗、27颗、36颗、42颗、54颗、108颗、1080颗之分。如果不是作为念珠来使用的话,戴多少颗都可以。据说,世间有很多烦恼,念一句"南无阿弥陀佛",拨一珠,就可解除烦恼。 beads, also known as beads, are one of the most and by since its birth. In the daily life of the , beads are with the of and peace. Its to their when they are and , and when they are out of in all their , and to solve these in a more and way, so as to reach the three body, four , five eyes and six realm.

The bead chain is of a main bead, other beads and a rope. The main bead the , the rope the , the other beads the three of monk、 and are in.

In to Bodhi, gem, stone, fruit (core), and wood, the of beads is also very . Ox horn, ox bone, horn, ivory and so on are by Han due to the of law, but they are very with . even uses human head bone to make beads. or these beads can make know how to live The death will also make feel the . beads made of , sand, and other will also bring .

There are 29 beads of this kind of ; if it is used as a , there are 14 beads, 18 beads, 21 beads, 27 beads, 36 beads, 42 beads, 54 beads, 108 beads and 1080 beads. If it's not for beads, you can wear as many as you want. It is said that there are many in the world. " to the South" and a bead can them.

佛珠手链Buddha bead bracelet

佛珠手链Buddha bead bracelet

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