金曲奖系列 | 提名最佳演奏类专辑的Toby Mak,方大同李荣浩们都请他来配小号

147小编 68 2025-03-01

本文转载自 着调

作者 麻乐

在今年金曲奖演奏类最佳专辑提名名单里,有一张创作于2007年的爵士小号专辑《07 Sessions》,直到去年这张专辑才公布于众,得到了金曲奖的认可。专辑作者是澳大利亚爵士小号演奏家Toby Mak,目前是爵士音乐厂牌JZ Music旗下艺人。音乐圈内,他早已是许多优秀音乐人的座上宾——方大同、李荣浩、顺子、袁娅维、顾忠山都请Toby Mak来为他们的作品配上小号。

着调近日跟这位10岁开始接触小号吹奏的艺术家,做了一次邮件访问,Toby Mak分享了小号学习生涯的心得,以及爵士音乐欣赏的窍门。



(Golden Melody Awards)


Toby Mak: Of course I feel happy, I admit it is a nice feeling to have your music recognized.  But I also dont take it too seriously, and just keep working in my usual way. (我当然很高兴,音乐能得到认可感觉很棒,但我也没有特别觉得这是件很严重的事,就按平时一样在工作。)


Toby Mak: I first learnt about the awards probably 3 years ago, and I have some friends,  like Law-rence Ku, Peng Fei, who where nominated in the past. Besides that I dont know too much. (我第一次听说这个奖大概是三年之前,我有一些朋友,比如顾忠山、彭飞就得到过提名。其它的我不怎么了解。)


Toby Mak: Hahaha good question! I cant decide......should it be traditional Aussie wear(Thongs, shorts, singlet) or maybe Shanghai Style(padded pajamas)?!  (哈哈哈好问题!我还没决定……究竟是穿传统的澳大利亚服饰(皮带、短裤、汗衫),或者上海风格装扮(睡衣睡裤)?!)


Toby Mak: I dont know, lots of music industry people, friends  and other artists to meet, some per-formances ,  speeches? Fireworks?! (我不知道,会见到很多音乐产业的人、朋友和其他艺术家,有一些表演,一些感言?有烟花吗?!)

关于07 Sessions

着调:听说提名专辑《07 Sessions》早在2007年就写好了,为什么到现在才出版《07 Sessions》这张专辑?

Toby Mak: Actually immediately after we recorded this album, I felt I wasnt happy with the results, particularly my own playing. It took me 10 years and some encouragement from my friends at Jz music to finally be ok to release it. (录完这张专辑的当下,我其实对结果不太满意,特别是我自己演奏的部分。我花了十年的时间,还有来自JZ Music的朋友们的鼓励,才最终得以发行这张专辑。)

着调:《07 Sessions》反映了怎样的议题或内容?

Toby Mak: It was a transitional period for me as I had just moved to Shanghai, so some of the songs relate to my old Australian life, but many are about the new experiences of being in China. (当时对我来说是过渡的阶段,那时我刚刚搬来上海,有一些曲子反映了我过去澳大利亚的生活,但更多是关于在中国的新的体验。)

着调:专辑里有着怎样的故事?比如《Joe’s Town》之类的名称下,是否有具体的回忆和故事?

Toby Mak: Yes all the songs have stories, you can find short descriptions on the liner notes of the  CD. "Joes Town" is written for my  South African friend Joe Malachi, whos band I played in. "Bon-nies Day" for my wife. "Shanghai No.1" was the first melody I wrote when I first arrived in Shang-hai. (没错,所有歌曲背后都有故事,CD的文字上有一些简短介绍。《Joe’s Town》是给我南非的朋友Joe Malachi写的,我曾在他的乐队表演。《Bonnie’s Day》是给我的妻子的。《Shanghai No. 1》是我到上海后写的第一首曲子。)


Toby Mak: Mmm, I think I want my music to be,  on the surface just a beautiful sound and a nice distraction for people. But also I want them to feel that there is different layers to the music, and if they listen more intently perhaps they can feel some deeper ideas, emotions and questions… (嗯,表面上,我想让我的音乐听起来美美哒,能给人带来不错的娱乐。但同时我也想让他们感受到音乐里不同的层次,如果他们听得更专注,或许能感受到更深的意思、情感和问题……)


Toby Mak: Try  " A Sound World", "Yella Fella" , "Joes Town”. (试一下《A Sound World》、《Yella Fella》、《Joe’s Town》这三首吧。)


Toby Mak: I think jazz can be great music to relax to, to tap your foot to, to dance to, but like I al-lude to above, there is also  a lot of nuance and deeper levels in jazz, which you can start to un-cover and understand by gradually listening more. Imagine you are an explorer, uncovering forgot-ten or new worlds of sound! (我觉得爵士是可以在休息、抖脚、跳舞时都可以听的很棒的音乐,但像我上面提到的,这其中也有情感色彩和更深的层次,只有逐渐听得更多才能解开或理解这其中的奥秘。把自己想象成一个探险者,揭开一个被遗忘的、或者崭新的声音世界!)

着调:另外据说上一张《Unnecessary Update》这张专辑是探索科技与消费行为的微妙关系,你怎样用音乐反应现实议题呢?

Toby Mak: Yes right  "Unnecessary Update" was,  in my mind at least, a discussion about the dan-gers of over- indulging in the modern world of commercialism. But obviously thats just what I was thinking when I wrote the songs, in instrumental music these ideas often manifest in more of an abstract way. So songs can really have different meanings for different people, or no meaning ex-cept for being enjoyable to listen to! (没错,《Unnecessary Update》在我印象中至少,是关于过分沉浸在当代世界中消费主义里的危险的探讨。但很明显那只是我在写音乐时想的问题,在演奏类音乐里概念的表达会更抽象。所以音乐对不同人来说真的会有不同的含义,或者除了作为消遣来听,什么含义也没有。)


(The Experience of Trumpet Blowing)


Toby Mak: The sound of the Trumpet can be so expressive and individual, it can be very soft and warm and then the next instant very bright, loud and energetic. This is the main thing which attracts me to the Trp, the special  sound and possibility to express many emotions in your own way. (小号的声音非常生动,又很独特,它可以很柔软很温暖,又可以很高亢、喧闹、充满活力,这是小号吸引我的主要部分,声音特别,又能用我自己的方式表达出不同的情绪。)


Toby Mak: Again, its a very flexible instrument, so different situations it can play different roles. But,  very often in instrumental Jazz  the Trp takes the lead voice, or main melody line.  (它是很很灵活的一种乐器,在不同的情形下,它能扮演不同的角色。但通常情况下,爵士演奏类音乐里,小号有“主音”的作用,或者是旋律的主线。)


Toby Mak: I have had quite a few different teachers and have actually changed my embouchure several times over the last 30 years. Which is difficult because its basically re-learning the instru-ment from beginning every time. It takes a lot of discipline and patience to just get the basic abili-ties on trumpet,  its  a difficult and demanding instrument. (我有一些不同的老师,他们在过去三十多年里让我吹奏时的口型发生过几次改变。这有些困难,因为基本是每次都要重新来过,重学一遍小号。最终习得基本的小号演奏能力,是需要很多耐心跟训导的。这是件难度很高,需要下很多功夫的乐器。)


Toby Mak: Yes, I have definitely been frustrated as even after 30 years of playing trumpet,  I still havent come close to mastering some trumpet techniques. For me technical ability is so important for improvising, because you need technical mastery to be able to convey all the emotions you want, when you want. Its frustrating if you have an idea in your head, but cant execute it properly! When you decide to became a jazz musician though, you expect to be forever learning and strug-gling to improve every day, also I feel a musician should feel a responsibility to the audience to al-ways try and    perform to the best of your abilities, so that means dont stop  practicing!  I am too stubborn to give up now too, and I’m not good at anything else! (是的,即便是现在吹了三十多年小号,我依然会有很灰心的时候,我仍然有一些小号的技巧还没能掌握。对我来说,演奏技巧对于能即兴表演是非常重要的,因为你需要技术来支撑自己表达自己想表达的情绪。如果你脑海里有个电子,但是不能恰当的表达出来,是件很让人丧气的事。当你决定要当一个爵士音乐人,你要做好永远学习,每天挣扎着提高自己的转变,同时我觉得音乐人需要怀有对听众的责任感,一直要尽可能把自己的能力发挥到极致,那意味着不能停止练习演奏!我实在是很倔强,现在是不会放弃的,其它的事我也不擅长啊!)


Toby Mak: I think the ability to listen with open ears to the sounds around you, and  to be adapta-ble… in the moment! (我觉得能打开耳朵,聆听你身边的声音的能力,同事能灵活应对适时改变的能力,是重要的。)


Toby Mak: I have recently finished production on  TTechmak Volume 2 and 3, so I will be releasing those this year! (我最近刚完成《TTeckman第二集》和第三集的制作,今年会发行它们!)


(Other Questions)


Toby Mak: I listen to many styles of music, but still I love classic 50s and 60’s jazz the most. (我听许多风格的音乐,但我最爱的是五六十年代的经典爵士乐。)


Toby Mak: I enjoy playing with my 8 year old son, having dinners and going to the movies with my wife, and sometimes playing video games. (我喜欢跟我8岁的儿子一起玩耍,跟我的妻子共进晚餐、一起看电影,有时打打游戏。)


Toby Mak: Shanghai is such a great and fast paced city, its exciting and there always new oppor-tunities and challenges Around the corner! (上海真的棒极了,是节奏很快的城市。总是充满刺激,总是充满新的机遇和挑战!)



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