商道求索札记: 二 销售要则(中英双语)

147小编 87 2025-01-24


The author has been working in the business world for many years, and has been learning, collecting, and personally experiencing many important information and experiences about starting a business and doing business. Now, he shares them with those who are interested. This and further series of sharing are not long theoretical articles, but just important essentials or key points to draw the attention of interested readers.





Twenty-five years ago, a customer and I were talking on how to do well in sales, he said that it was very important to do well with our own business and improve our own strength from time to time. He gave an interesting example, saying that at a big intersection, each of the four corners might have a petrol station, how to win business in such a competitive environment, the key was to do everything related to sales, better than that of others. I fully agreed with him.


We have been doing wholesaling and in general, have been giving each customer respectively a certain credit term, and in most cases, we also manage to deliver the goods to the customers designated address. The following information and experience are based on such situations.

1 成功的销售,就是:(a)产品或服务能推销出去,(b)有适当利润,(c)货款或服务费能按期收回来。

1 Successful sales mean: (a) the products or services can be sold out (provided) to customers, (b) there is an appropriate profit, and (c) the sales proceeds or service fee can be received timely.

2 产品或服务,能在市场上销出去或为客户接受,必须是市场或客户确有需求。客户之所以购买产品或接受服务,是因为能满足他们的要求并能为他们创造价值。

For a product to be sold in the market or service to be accepted by a customer, it must be indeed in demand. The reason that a customer buys products or receives services is because their satisfaction can be made and value can be created by doing so.

3 四个方面,对达致成功销售,非常重要:(i)产品质量好,(ii)价格适中,(iii)客户服务佳,(iv)与客户有良好的互信关系。这四方面是综合起作用的。

Four aspects are important for successful sales: (i) top product quality, (ii)appropriate pricing, (iii) excellent customer service, and (iv) good relationship or trust with customers. These four aspects work in an integrated manner.

4 所谓产品质量好,是指能达到或超过预期的功用和目的(fit the purpose)。从技术上讲,合格产品必须符合相适应的标准的规定,以及在某些情况下,满足客户可能有的特殊要求。

The so-called high product quality refers to fitting the purpose of a product or a service.Technically,a compliant product must meet the corresponding standard specifications, and in some cases, satisfies the special requirements that customers may have.

5 价格为什么要适中呢?因为价格太高,会缺乏竞争性而导致产品销售不出去或服务不为客户接受。价格太低,亦有诸多负面效应:首先是己方利润降低甚至亏本,(ii)扰乱市场导致恶性竞争; (iii) 使竞争对手忌恨和反制,招致权威或监管机构介入调查和采取反倾销调查措施管控。

Why should the price be appropriate? Because if the price is too high, there will be less competitive, resulting in the product cannot be sold out or the service is not accepted by the customer. When the price is too low, there are also multiple negative effects: (i) it will reduce own profits or even selling at a loss, (ii) it may disrupt the market and cause vicious competition; (iii) it will also make competitors concerned and retaliating, and/or may even attract regulators or other authorities to intervene such as initiating anti-dumping investigation.

6 优质客户服务,是指在接受客户购货订单、按订单要求备货、按时发货或按时将货物送到客户要求的地址等的每一个环节,都很专业和准确。如果有什么问题,及时与客户沟通,共商解决之法。

Excellent customer service refers to the professionalism and accuracy in every step including receiving customers’ purchase order, preparing goods according to order, timely delivering goods to customers’ designated address, etc. If there is any problem, communicate with the customer in time to discuss and work out the solution.

7 与客户的良好关系是在质量,价格和服务都不错的基础上的另一重要因素。平时与客户的沟通交流、在客户最需要帮助时鼎力相助,非常重要。但与客户有好关系在销售中的作用不可无限夸大。兵法上讲到“兵以利动”,从终极方面看,亦是”商以利动”,不能为客户提供或创造价值,不可能有与客户的良好关系或良好关系不可能长久。

Trusty relationship with customers is another important factor in addition to high quality, appropriate pricing and excellent customer service. It is advisable to communicate with customers regularly and to help them when they need it most. But having a good relationship with your customers cant be overstated. In the “Art of War”, it is stated that "soldiers are moved for benefits", and from the ultimate point of view, it is also a matter of profit in business operation; if one cannot provide customers with benefit or enable value creation, it is impossible to have a good relationship with customers eventually or a good relationship cannot last long.

8 对客户财务、资金等方面的情况的及时了解,不可忽视。如果明知或不知客户在资金方面出现困难无法按时支付货款的情况下,还发超出其付款能力的货物给客户,出现问题时不但害己,同时也害客户。因为这样可能使问题变得更严重。同时,对在外货款 买好保险,对于降低和管控风险,必不可少。

The knowledge and information on one’s customers finance, capital and other monetary aspects cannot be ignored. If you know or do not know that the customer is unable to pay on time due to financial difficulties, and still allows goods to be released to the customer beyond the customers paying capability, it will not only harm yourself but also harm the customer, because that can make the problem worse. At the same time, it is essential to insure your account receivables as an ensured measures to manage and reduce risks.

9 仓库或店铺有市场所需的产品种类和适度数量,亦是重要。库存货物太多,不利资金的合理使用和流动;太少,则可能客户急要产品时没有存货而失去销售。

It is also critical that the right types of products and required level of stock are kept in warehouse. Too much goods in stock results in non-liquidity and non-rational use of funds; Too little may lead to loss of sales, as you do not have the goods in stock when some goods are urgently needed by customers.

10 送礼给客户,在成功的销售中既对又不对,关键是度。对者,当客户办派对、做促销活动、办慈善募捐体育活动等时,提供适当捐助,是很好的事。但如果以贿赂某个人为目的送礼,则是错的。那样,会影响到公平竞争。在我们的客户中,有客户规定,经理或员工,收受超过20元礼品,都要上报的。

Gifting to customers is both right and wrong in successful sales, keys being appropriate. Yes, it is good to make appropriate donations when customers are hosting festive or celebrating parties, promotional evens, charity fundraising, sports events, etc. But if you give a gift with the intention of bribing someone, you are wrong; in that case, it will affect the fair competition. Among our customers, there are customer regulations that managers or employees who receive gifts of more than 20 yuan must be reported.

11 利用集聚机会,与客户或潜在客户的沟通和交流,很重要。例如,商务鸡尾酒会,与商务推广有关的体育赛事等,就可能在短时间内,高效与较多的客户交流信息和联络感情。

It is important to take advantage of gathering opportunities to communicate with customers or prospective customers. For example, business cocktail parties, sports events related to business promotion, etc., may be able to effectively exchange information and connect with a larger number of customers in a short period of time.

12 广告的作用,不可忽视。两方面尤其值得注意:一是做好工作,使客户满意。客户会告诉其他客户,达致良好的信誉和互相推荐。二是一般和重点相结合。所谓重点,是将广告做到客户中有购买决定权的人员那里,让他们了解己方产品的高质量和性价比等。

The role of advertising cannot be ignored. Two aspects are particularly noteworthy: one is to do good jobs to make customers happy. Satisfactory customers are likely to tell other customers, this enabling the enhancement of reputation and mutual referrals. The second is the combination of being general and being focused. The so-called focus is to reach the people in customer’s organisation, who have the right to make purchase decisions, letting them to fully understanding of the supremacy of your products’ quality and appropriate pricing for favourable decisions.

13 “运用之妙,存乎一心”,每一桩销售,皆是一个大小不等的系统工程,要统筹考虑到有关的各方面,锲而不舍的做好每一步的工作。还要有高度的灵活性,当发现新的情况,或情况变化了时,要能迅速调整工作内容和方式。

“The subtle wonder arises from the extraordinary working of mind”. Every sale is a systematic project of different scopes; one must scrutinize and coordinate all related aspects of the project, persistently do a good job in every step of the work. It is also necessary to apply a high degree of flexibility, and to be able to quickly adjust the working contents and ways when new situations are discovered or when the situation changes.

14 要学会和能够舍弃。如果遇到砍价太厉害,或其它恶性竞争的情况,心安理得地放弃是为上策。“杀敌一千,自损八百”的事,不要做。

Learn to move on and be able to give up. If one encounters too much bargaining, or other vicious competition, the best way would be to give up with peace of mind. Dont do the thing of "killing a thousand enemies and sacrificing your side eight hundred".




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